Advantages And Disadvantages Of Abortion

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Abortion is the process of destroying a human fetus while in the womb of a mother (Grimes, 2013). The topic of abortion is considered as one of the most controversial issues in the world (Grimes, 2013). The support or disapproval of this practice elicits mixed reactions and being a social issue affecting human lives directly, involves spirited efforts meant to draw support for either side of the divide. The United States Constitution legalized abortion in 1973. From this period, more than 50 million abortions have been procured (Dennis et al., 2009). In as much as abortion remains a highly controversial issue till the present time, abortions procured by minors elicits an even higher degree of interest and involvement. This paper will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of teenage abortions as presented by both sides, and discuss personal views with regards to this issue. Proponents in support of teenage abortions argue that the practice recognizes that teenagers are in a position to make their own decisions and as such do not require parental consent to obtain an abortion. According to Somerville, the majority of teenagers at their stage in life have already developed consequential thinking (Somerville, 2011). This aspect means that they can assess and evaluate the consequences of their actions. Therefore, they are well versed with Proponents mostly base their reasoning on the premise of rational thinking based on the respective developmental stage in teenager’s lives. However, this indication is not enough to support the decision to support teenage abortion. According to my personal view, I am not in support of teenagers procuring an abortion. In this case, other alternatives such as giving up the child for adoption are better than compared to abortion as it saves the individuals concerned of guilt and regret that is likely to follow them later in

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