What Was Adolf Hitler's Impact On The World

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“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” This quote was said by a man named Adolf Hitler. Throughout his life he did many things such as serve in the German military, was a popular politician in Germany, became chancellor, started a world war, and committed mass murder as Germany’s dictator. A few of Hitler’s accomplished tasks in his life were iniquitous, some more than others, his cruel actions impacted the world then and still affect many to this day. Hitler’s leadership was very significant and has impacted the world drastically. Topics that made his reign become notable is the failures of the Weimar Republic’s that allowed him to come into power, how he stayed in power, how he used propaganda to …show more content…

This was a time period is remembered as a time of political turmoil and violence and economic hardship. Many of the challenges of this era set the stage for Hitler's rise to power. After World War I, Germany was left destroyed morally and financially. With two million young men dead, at home people suffered from malnutrition due to the Allied blockade. Malnutrition was so severe that it often lead to death. There were poor working conditions in Germany, which lead to over 562 strikes during the Weimar Republic era. Germany was crumbling down as a nation. In August 1918, it was obvious that the military offensive had failed and Generals Hindenburg and Ludendorff handed over control of the government to Chancellor Max Von Baden, a moderate and two social democrats to handle peace negotiations. With this new leadership came the Treaty of Versailles. This treaty brought shame to Germany. Article 231 of the Versailles Treaty is also known as the “War Guilt Clause”, forced the German Nation to take complete responsibility for starting World War I. Accepting that responsibility meant Germany had to pay back at material damages and reparation payments. These are a few of the failures of the Weimar Republic era created to make the perfect opportunity to Hitler’s rise to power. With his powerful speeches at the Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler was able to persuade nationalist parties into his …show more content…

During the holocaust they murdered about six million Jews. Hitler, murdered Jews in the most unimaginable of ways. Hitler, would create concentration camps where Jews would be taken to and tortured. When Jews would be captured and taken to concentration camps families would be separated. Jews that would not serve a purpose in the camps would be gassed in a room where they were told they would be showering in. Many Jewish children would be used in many experiments ordered by Hitler. Many Jews were saved by good Germans trying to do the right thing. Some Germans even hid Jews in their attics. These Germans put their lives in great danger. Many Germans that were caught hiding Jews were treated in the same manner that Jews were treated. Overall, at the end of the holocaust an estimated seventeen million victims. Other countries came to the aid of the Jews causing World War II. Many countries felt the need to take action before the situation was taken out of

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