Adam And Eve Reflection

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The Creation Story, through Adam and Eve’s giving in to the temptation of the serpent, depicts the following effects of the fall on the human relationship:
Fear entered the human heart and human relationships through the discovery of their nakedness. The human relationship has passed from the joyous discovery of the other to mutual antagonism.
The woman is set to forever discover with the serpent. The serpent is commonly thought of as a metaphor to humanity’s vulnerability and struggle with temptation towards sin and becoming who we are truly not. The human desire to become who we are not is one of the single things that strongly separates humanity from God.
They lost their place in Eden. The losing of their place in Eden is a metaphor of the loss of human innocence, and the hostility of the world that human had to tame and built our civilization upon. Struggling to live and losing their innocence however, human life forever remained a blessing.
Opinion Response:
The Creation Story of Adam and Eve is the story of how …show more content…

While both straight and gay relationships can nurture children in an environment of love and fidelity, I believe that for children, especially through adolescence, to grow up with a lack of confusion about their sexuality, gender identity, and the development of their bodies, they do need a maternal and paternal presence to guide them through these issues comfortably. Children of same-sex relationships would need to go outside their own family and have someone else as a presence of the opposite gender, whether it be a coach, a teacher, a therapist, or a family friend, there are many viable options, but there are certain issues that a child can resolve inside a conventional family that a child of a same-sex marriage will need to go outside of the family to

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