Act 1 Scene 5 of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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Act 1 Scene 5 of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet


What is the scene about?

This scene is about Romeo and Juliet meeting. This is quite important

because despite the title of the play there are very few scenes in

which both Romeo and Juliet appear together. The scenes when they do,

are the balcony scene act 2 scene 2, the short wedding scene act 2

scene 6 and the opening of act 5 scene 3, but Romeo kills himself

before Juliet wakes.

The scene is set at a party; the party is set up so Juliet can meet

Paris, this I think is Shakespeare laying the groundwork for the rest

of the play, because you know after their meeting that Juliet will not

want to marry Paris.

Capulets speech makes you think that Juliet does not get much chance

to get out of the house other than when she is going to see Friar

Lawrence. Perhaps this is why the family friend Paris notices her but

Romeo has absolutely no idea who she is.

I think in this scene two main things happen. Firstly, Romeo falls in

love with Juliet at first sight, and secondly, how Romeo's love with

Juliet contrasts with Tybalt's hatred, both powerful emotions, both

extremes but there are no other two things which are so different.

Structure of the scene

At the start of the scene the servants/staff are speaking amongst

themselves about all the work they must do. They speak in prose rather

than in verse. This sets up the grand entrance of the Capulet's, who

arrive in their expensive clothes and are speaking in verse. At the

very same moment Romeo sees Juliet. Tybalt recognises Romeo and wants

to fight. This again is a contrast of emotions. It also shows that

some members of the rival families will never accept their

relationship. This is sowing the seeds for the rest of the play,

because it is this which causes the fight later on in the play. You

can even predict that there will be a fight because Tybalt vows to get

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