Acid Rain Essay

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To start off my essay is about the important topic of acid rain. The reason why acid rain is so important is because it has a big impact on the world that is not good. Acid rain can occur anywhere in the word which can have its bad side effects. To sum up, my essay is about acid rain. Mainly because of the effects acid rain can have on earth. First off, acid rain is the mixture of wet and dry deposition from the atmosphere that contains higher than normal amounts of nitric and sulfuric acids (1). Its formed from the combination of nitric and sulfuric acids (1). The damage acid rain can do is that it causes acidification of lakes and streams, and contributes to the damage of trees at high elevations, and also to many sensitive soils. It also accelerates the decay of building materials and paints (3). Even though acid rain is very bad it can still be prevented by understanding acid deposition’s causes and effects, cleaning up smokestacks and exhaust pipes, using alternative energy sources, restoring a damaged environment, and taking actions as individuals (4). Since acid rains occur anywhere they can even be found in the U.S. like in the Eastern Hemisphere where states like Michigan, New York, Ohio, and New jersey are located (5). In sum, acid rain can occur anywhere and has many effects but can still be prevented. The problem with acid rain happens everywhere but not like the country of China. For instance, the disaster happens in many parts of china but not like Chongqing where so many acid rains have occurred that given it the name “rust capital” (6). Environments like Yangtze river in Southwest China are drenched with acid rain more than once every five days (6). Chongqing’s 4 million residents are also dealing with acid fogs... ... middle of paper ... ...nvironmental projects supported by the people can make a big difference. The expense may be high but it will be worth it because it will benefit the world and everyone in it. Works Cited #1: #3: #4: #5: #6: #7: #8: #9: #10: Rain/UK Acid Rain.php

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