Achilles: Honorable Hero or Selfish Warrior?

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Achilles was the bravest, most skilled, and greatest warrior of the army of the Trojan War. One of the non-Homeric tales of his childhood relates that Achilles’s mother dipped Achilles in the waters of the River Styx, by which means he became invulnerable, except for the part of his heel by which she held him. Achilles was willing to fight to the death for the people and the ideals that he loved. Was it to honor his loved ones or to fulfill a personal gain of being the best there ever was? Achilles can be seen as the most honorable person doing this. But he can also be seen as very dishonorable, for example when he killed hector and refused to return hector's body to his father, this was very dishonorable. Achilles fought for his glory and personal honor alone. He wasn't there for political reasons or for King …show more content…

He encountered Achilles every time the man (or his armor) stepped onto the battlefield, knowing one or the other would eventually die. While on shores of Troy, Hector sees who he believes is Achilles leading the charge of Greeks into battle. He comes into contact with the man wearing Achilles armor and kills him in a swift blow to the neck. After the battle is over, Hector finds out that he had not killed Achilles, but instead he killed Achilles's cousin. And, in the end, knowing he has failed in killing who he thought was Achilles, he walks outside the gate to face Achilles one last time knowing that he must either kill the man to save his people or else be killed himself in the attempt. Even when he realizes that he may die, he still fights Achilles. Hector fought for what he loved and to protect the people who he held closest to his heart. Even though knowing that he was just an ordinary human and Achilles was not, Hector still fought to defend

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