My Study Habits And Academic Ibits And Intellectual Interests

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After reviewing my MYSA results, I discovered that I did improve in some areas and there are some areas that need improvement. The two areas that improved under the academic motivation were my study habits and intellectual interests. Coming into college, I was not excited to study at all. I did not have to study a lot in high school, but I knew that was going to have to change. I did not know how much I was going to like it. I actually love coming to the library and studying. If it was not for the library, I think I would dread studying. I also never used flashcards in high school, and now they are a big part of studying for all my classes. So, the library and flashcards have helped me not only improve my study habits, but they have helped …show more content…

I have big plans for myself and it is paramount that I do not fall behind. One of my goals is to not fail a class. In order to be on track I have to keep moving forward each semester. If I fail a class I will just have to take it again next semester or next year. That is not acceptable. I am not planning on earning all A’s at the end of this year because I know that is not actually realistic for me, but I would like to have a GPA higher than 3.14. Another academic goal is to do well in my public relations practicum that I will be taking. It is not the first class I am taking for my major, but it is the first class I will be taking to actually involve public relations and not just …show more content…

I will definitely be spending a lot of time in the library if I plan on not failing any classes and working towards a 4.0 GPA. I will also probably have a lot of tutoring sessions and study groups. I know that once I’m done with all of my gen-eds, which will also require study groups and being in the library too, I will associate with my professors more since they will be the professors of my department. For example, I will probably go into their office hours more to ask questions and that will also help me achieve better grades. I am not sure exactly what my practicum will require of me, but if my grade is based on homework assignments, quizzes, and tests I will be in the library even more. If my grade is based on something else, I will work very hard at it since it is one of my goals to do well in the practicum. Considering my goals include not failing classes and working towards a 4.0, they will help me work towards my goal of graduating with my bachelor’s degree my junior year and continuing on to earn my masters my senior

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