Abortion is Murder

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Abortion is Murder Abortion was legalized in 1973, since that time nearly fifty-six million unborn babies have been murdered, that is one baby aborted every twenty seconds. The child has no choice whether to be conceived or not. The techniques they use are awful, we would never put a living child through that so why would be put an unborn child that can still feel pain through this. An abortion is not only painful to the unborn fetus but also to the mother as well. She will face not only physical pain but physiological pain as well. A child has no choice whether to be conceived or not, so if the mother and father are responsible for making a baby they should either take care of it or at least give the baby to a home, not murder him or her. As soon as a man’s sperm reaches the mothers egg a child is conceived. Twenty days after the sperm reaches the egg the fetus has a heartbeat, which is less than three weeks. The unborn fetus’ brain gives off brainwaves at 40 days. If these factors are used by the law to determine death, why can't they be used to determine life?” (Pro Life America) There are many different ways to abort an unborn child; the most common is the D&C which is dilation and curettage. The mother gets anesthesia and her cervix is dilated abnormally fast. A curette or a hollow tube with a knife like tip in entered into the womb, which cuts up the baby into pieces. It is connected to a transparent tube, which then sucks out the pieces of the unborn child into a tube and then is discarded. Another type of an abortion is the partial birth abortion. This abortion takes place when the mother is twenty to thirty-two weeks pregnant. The first step is to find the babies feet with and ultrasound, and grab then with forcep... ... middle of paper ... ...ated. The heartbeat is what determines life, and a fetus has a heartbeat at twenty one days and should be considered a living person. Abortion is unsafe for the mother and also is very painful for the fetus. There are safer alternative to abortions which is adoption. Works Cited Saunders, Peter. "LifeNews.com." LifeNews.com. Life News, 27 Aug. 2013. Web. 16 Feb. 2014. Know, learn & share the facts about life. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://prolifeacrossamerica.org/baby-developmental-facts/ Downs, R. (2013, January 02). Abortion methods and abortion procedures used to kill unborn babies. Retrieved from http://www.lifenews.com/2013/01/02/abortion-methods-and-abortion-procedures-used-to-kill-unborn-babies/ Bachiochi, E. (2005, June). How abortion hurts women: The hard proof. Retrieved from http://www.catholiceducation.org/articles/abortion/ab0102.html

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