Abortion: Women Have A Choice

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One of the most deliberated topics of modern society; is it just life, or is it truly alive? Does it adhere to moral standards or abolish the common good? Should it even be legal under the confines of our laws and regulations? If I was to tell someone to stop fishing, just because I thought it was wrong, it would seem unconstitutional that I would even attempt to withdraw rights to our freedom. Abortion is a personal issue and should be dealt with by the person, not the courts.

A better example would be to take a hypothetical situation consisting of a 17-year-old girl, trying for her education. She always uses birth control but she just so happens to fall into the small percentage of birth control failure. She always wanted kids, but not this early and having one now would severely lower her chances of providing for her children in a way her parents couldn't. Choosing to have the child now would impose a lot of responsibility upon a girl of her age, and this level of commitment is a level she is not yet mature enough to accept. Not only does the quality of her own life seem bleak, but so does the life of the child. She struggles with her situation, carefully weighing all the factors, and in the end, she decides abort the pregnancy. Now she is faced by a whole new dilemma. Some people she has never met in her life are trying to decide for her. What right do they have to determine her future? Would her life ever be the same if they hadn't intervened? She did everything right, from birth control to condoms but she was part of the unlucky few. Now she is being punished for something she never wanted and tried in all her power to stop. She is forced into marriage early, takes a low paying job if she can find one and is forced to giv...

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...ntial mothers would most likely not choose abortion to begin with. Those who oppose abortion, will find cause to justify it under certain conditions, such as rape or endangerment of the mother’s life. But who draws the boundaries on when it’s right and when it’s wrong? Abortion is abortion, no matter what the circumstances may be. If it’s outlawed, there can’t be any exceptions. I am neither condoning nor condemning abortion; I am merely defending each woman’s right to be in charge of the decisions that will affect their life. If we relinquish womans rights in the abortion controversy, how many of women's other individual decisions might we have to abolish in the future? It is for this reason, for this principle, that I stand with those who are fighting to keep the responsibility for abortion where it belongs. It’s her body, it’s her future, and it’s her decision.

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