Abortion Should Be Llegal

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It is considered by World Health Organization that one fourth of all the progenies in the world terminate in induced abortion. More precisely, the number of induced abortion is nearly 50 million every year(Berer, M., 2000 ). Induced abortion means “abortion brought on deliberately by drugs or mechanical means” (Stedman, T. L.,2008). It can be defined as an abortion that is preceded initiatively, which is opposite to spontaneous abortion. According to World HeaWHO (1993), every year the number of woman who chooses abortion is about 1.5 million in United States. Almost half of American women get unplanned pregnancy, and 54% of these end in abortion (Finer LB & Zolna MR, 2011). Nearly one fifth of pregnancies end in abortion (Jones RK & Kooistra, K, 2011). The laws on abortion have developed varied in countries since there are different social and moral perceptions due to the different cultures. In Great Britain, only medical professionals are able to provide abortion(rethinking of abortion p13). While it comes to Northern Ireland and the Irish republic , the law only allow women to get information of abortion and have abortion outside of their states (rethinking of abortion p19).Abortion is always a sensitive topic when it is regarded as killing a person surrounding with social and political discussion. It seems that the debate between anti-abortion and the opponents is increasing heated (BEYOND CHOICE P19).Woman tend to choose illegal abortion when it is unavailable for legal abortion, even it is unsafe with poor conditions and unqualified provider (Berer, M., 2000). Traditionally, laws and medical ethics against abortion for mainly two reasons: first of all, it seems like killing a developing human being as fetus should h... ... middle of paper ... ... Spain, and Turkey. A balanced law would protect both“ a true conscience objection” and the women autonomy right to achieve legal and safe abortion (make abortion safe). In summary, legal abortion seems to be an effective approach to limit the population and provide safe health solution to women who get unwanted babies. Conclusion In conclusion, making abortion illegal may not prohibit abortion, but cause problems due to harmful influence to woman, unsafe abortion. It seems that making abortion legal is an effective approach to deal with these problems. Abortion is not a kind of murder, but a respect of autonomy right. In addition, abortion has limited harm on women’s health when compared with the harm that illegal abortion brought. It seems still a challenge that government should find a balance to put abortion legal and lead the citizens to the right way.

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