Abortion is Wrong

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Abortion is one of America’s most controversial subjects. The participants in this debate have fixed beliefs on the matter at hand. On one side of the debate are people who believe in pro- choice. They argue that choice of a woman is more important than an unborn fetus. They point out that an unborn child is not on the same level of importance as the mother. Also, the pro-life group declares that choice is the sole purpose behind their argument. They believe that if a woman cannot chose to abolish a pregnancy, then she looses one of her basic human rights. The other side of the debate is the pro-life group. Their main concern is that the fetus is a person; therefore, having the same human rights as the mother. As a result, when states pass laws that enable abortions, these states are legalizing murder. When considering an individual’s ethics and values, killing is morally wrong. Therefore, the termination of unborn children is wrong, as well. Abortion, the unethical expulsion of an embryo or fetus, in order to purposely end a pregnancy, should be forbidden because human life begins at conception, economics is not a justification for abortion, and an unwanted child does not justify abortion. The merger of two germinal cells, one being a sperm cell and the other being an egg cell, is complete within twelve hours, at which time the egg is fertilized and becomes a zygote containing forty six chromosomes required to create a new human life. It is during this remarkable process when conception occurs. Conception confirms life and makes that undeveloped human one of a kind (Rorvik & Shettles, 1983, p. 16). Many researchers, as well as scientists, identify the first moments of life as the instant when a sperm cell unites with an ovum, o... ... middle of paper ... ...sion and that is life. There are many cases of mothers having an unwanted child, but soon after they are born they fall in love with their baby. Reported evidence reveals that women and men who did not want to have their child have later reported that they were satisfied as parents of those children (Burtcheall, 1983, p. 130). As a society, people have become selfish. Abortion is a prime example of society’s selfishness. Individuals put themselves first and everyone else second, this is what mothers today are doing. They are putting themselves first and their unborn children second. When parents do this they are committing murder. Abortion is wrong. It is wrong because when someone decides to have an abortion they are taking a life. A fetus is a person. It is a separate entity from its mother; therefore, that unborn child’s only future is to be born not aborted.

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