Abortion In America

901 Words2 Pages

Martin Moreno
English 103
Professor Nezafati
28 March 2014
Open Letter to Abortion in America
Dear Abortion in America,
Stop destroying this country built with strong beliefs and values. I am asking you to leave. You have taken away the lives of 56,662,169 innocent babies who have not had the opportunity a single cry. There is no place for you in a country that was built under God. You have done us enough harm already; you have left this country with no hope or values, which is why, as a devout Catholic and strong believer in the future of this nation, I am asking you to leave.
You have the ability to convince women to solve their problems by killing a child but hey, you cannot convince me. You are a filthy mess filled with sin and no values; you are evil. Let me tell you and explain to you why I think you should leave this country. I want you out of here as soon as possible because you are killing the future of this country. You put the women committing abortions into great danger. Abortion, you make doctors destroy life instead of saving it. As you know by now you are not my cup of tea, my intentions through this letter are to convince you that you are wrong and why you should pack your bags and leave this country.
Who on earth kills children for a living? You do. Your advocates misinterpret the idea of conception and believe that a fetus in the womb is nothing of life or significance. The truth is that once an egg is fertilized by a sperm cell, conception has occurred. Medical dictionaries, such as Merriam-Websters Medical Dictionary, define conception as the formation of a viable zygote by the union of a spermatozoon and an ovum. No matter how many months a fetus is, it is already a living organism with genetic DNA. If you d...

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...deadly medicine if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion” (Hippocratic Oath & Abortion). Unfortunately you have forced doctors to sell out and be minions of your unorthodox practice. Doctors who carry out your doctrines are nothing more than murderers who have their hands stained with the death of this nation’s hope.
I hope you have understood why it is of your best interest to leave the United States of America. In a conservative country based on morals and values there is no place for you here, or in any part of the world. Remember that when you finally stop working, you will rot in the hottest ovens of hell. The same way St. Michael the Arch Angel defeated and sent Lucifer down to hell, you will also go down the same path as your predecessor; you are destined to fall.

Martin Moreno

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