Aboriginal Cultures Of The Aboriginal Society On The Arrival Of Aboriginals

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Assessment Task
There were only Aboriginal societies on the Australian continent until the arrival of Europeans. They took the lands and forced their lifestyle on the aboriginals. They did what was in their beliefs, religion and traditions. The Aboriginals lived depending on land and water. They had good hunting, fishing or gathering skills. Their cultures differed from region to region. The indigenous Australians that lived along water were experts at fishing. Before the British colonization there was between 200-250 Aboriginal languages. This means, they did not all speak the same language.
When the British arrived in Australia, the interaction of the two with different cultures made huge conflicts. The British moved into Aboriginal lands, changed their life style, used their natural resources, grasslands and polluted waterways. Sicknesses like smallpox and a normal cold killed the indigenous. As more time passed the younger Aboriginals began to get used to the euroupeans society. The Europeans did not understand the aboriginals culture also they did not consider them human beings...

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