A study of A.K. Ramanujan’s “Obituary

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A society is created by the blocks of family units. Stronger the blocks,stronger the building of the society. Families are the strongest blocks on which the society rests. Without family there would be no society and to maintain a good society, a woman plays a pivotal role, whether she is a sister, wife or mother. The family is the most important unit of social organization. The family unit – primarily a man and a woman living together in harmony and peace – is and always will be an essential social organization or unit of any society. This relationship alone provides equilibrium in a sexual, emotional, intellectual and social way as no other can. The role of the family is to give a praiseworthy example, so that others within the society can follow as a model, resulting in the building of the society. The most respected and commendable member of the family is the Father. Fatherhood is truly a vocation that builds the foundation on which families and society rests. A.K.Ramanujan’s poetry is mainly based on the familial relationships. He recalls his past memories through the medium of poetry. His poetry is exceptional, realistic and sociably applicable. He has a style of lyrical sensitivity that embraces extraordinary distinctive poetry, infancy recalls, ideology, pastenents, reverent proficiency and a broad kind of human conditions. In the poem “Obituary” Ramanujan has ironically presented the image of his father.

Research Paper
Bruce King correctly introduces Ramanujan as deeply rooted in Indian culture and yet fully cosmopolitan. He notes, “And then there is Ramanujan, a Brahmin, yes, and perhaps the world’s greatest scholar of the languages and literatures of southern India, but married to a Syrian Christian and for most of his...

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