A Very Brief Socioeconomic and Political Look at Qatar

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Qatar is a small peninsula in the Persian Gulf and boarders Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Doha is the capital of Qatar. Qatar’s economy is mainly controlled by oil and natural gas which makes up most of their export income. Qatar’s government is based on the separation of powers working together and tolerates no political opposition. Women in Qatar are only permitted to drive in the obtain permits and non-Qatar women do not need a veil in public.
In 1867, a conflict comes about with the neighboring Bahrain over claims of territory. As a result of this Doha is completely destroyed. Britain then signed a treaty which recognized Qatar as a separate country rather than a dependency of Bahrain. However, a deal was signed between Qatar and Britain in 1916. The deal stated that Britain controlled Qatar’s international relationships for guaranteed protection.
Oil reserves are then discovered in 1939. The findings of the oil replace the pearling and fishing and becomes Qatar’s main source of income. Also, the income from the oil help expand and modernize Qatar’s foundation of t...

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