A Strong and Free Society Needs both Public Engagement and Government Intervention

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In an ideal society with perfect government, there would be a perfect combination of public social engagement, private interest, and government intervention that would maximize the benefit to society. This perfect combination is unattainable and unknowable because it could only happen in an ideal society with perfect individuals. Unfortunately, society today is not ideal and does not have perfect individuals. Therefore, there is a debate as to the right combination of public social engagement and government intervention. There definitely needs to be a combination because society cannot function if there is no government intervention, a laissez-faire attitude, or if there is total government intervention like in a communist government. For there to be a highly functioning, strong, and successful society there needs to be strong public engagement, some government intervention in regards to economic needs and some social concerns, and public interest needs to be a priority .

A strong, free democratic society cannot exist without the public’s engagement in social concerns to foster democratic traditions. Civil Society is a “realm of organized social life that is voluntary, self-generating, (largely) self-supporting, autonomous from the state, and bound by a legal order or set of shared rules” (Diamond 146). Civil Society must be active because it serves many functions to promote a democratic society. A strong civil society serves four important functions:

1.) It “[contains] the power of democratic governments, checking their potential abuses and violation of the law” (Diamond 147). Civil Society does this by “monitoring democratic states and finding where it needs to restrain exercise of their power” (Diamond 147). Doing this stren...

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...c, far from strong.

As long as humans hold different beliefs, no one will be able to agree on a perfect government. Nevertheless, for there to be a strong, free, democratic society there is an equation that we can look to: A strong, free democratic society = Strong Public Engagement + A pinch of Government Involvement + Public Interest – Private Interest. If these factors are put into a society then it will result in that free society that many desire.

Works Cited

Diamond, Larry. Toward Democratic Consolidation. United States of America: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2011. 145-153. Print.

Friedman, Milton. Excerpt from Capitalism and Freedom. United States of America: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2011. 216-227. Print.

Krugman, R. Paul. The Return of Depression Economics. United States of America: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2011. 229-233. Print.

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