Persuasive Essay On Break

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In Germany in a small town called Neuenburg am Rhein, my exchange partner Jonas and I were heading to school. Today was his class test for German, 4 hours long he would sit and stare at his old german test wondering if life was worth it, but before and in between they had a twenty minute break to do whatever. Most kids played soccer or ping pong but he sat there with his head down resting. We went home at 12:30 that day to find the temperature around 30 degrees celsius. So instead of studying for his test tomorrow, we took a break and went to the swimming pool for a couple hours. It was such a relief for me since I had been sitting in German class all morning barely understanding anything. I felt revived and craving food after our 3 hour break …show more content…

Your boss/teacher. They think that what you’re doing is just a complete waste of time and you’re not accomplishing anything. What it really does is benefit yourself because jobs can be hard, school is hard, and we deserve a break to better our mind. Don’t feel guilty if you work 8 hours a day and can’t take a 15-30 minute break just because it may make you look bad. No! Take your break it’s yours, and at the end of your break your work will benefit from it more. There is no evidence that taking breaks creates better productivity, but studies have shown that frequent breaks during a busy day does create higher satisfaction in your job and your employees/classmates, and reduced emotional exhaustion. Our brain has two modes, the “focused” mode which is when we’re doing something new like writing, math, or working. While “diffuse” mode which is our more relaxed mode, is a daydreamy state of mind when you’re not thinking as hard. Some studies have shown that while in this diffused state of mind, for example something you may have experienced in the shower or driving; Breakthroughs can often pop into your head while you’re not even trying to figure them …show more content…

The easy solution would just to take a break, but during school hours? Well that’s unacceptable in teachers eyes during class time. The teachers believe that students should be learning and studying, not fooling around in the halls. To be honest it’s not fooling around in the halls, it’s letting your mind take a break, and go explore other ideas in your mind, not just thinking about school, school, school. It doesn’t mean though you should take extended breaks though, because then it leads not getting back to

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