A Sample Of Typing Template For APA Papers

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Typing Template for APA Papers: A Sample of Proper Formatting for the APA 6th Edition
Blake Frazier, Garrett Waldman, Kris Henderson
Woodville High School: English 10NT

Hey do you love your phone? It could be killing you!

Cell phone and electromagnetic radiation could be harmful. The radiation from cell phones is said to increase your risk of cancer, but are cell phones harmful? How can you prevent electromagnetic radiation from cell phones? What studies are under way that will help further our understanding of the possible health effects of cell phone use? Some people believe cell phones are harmless, but some people disagree.

Are cell phones harmful? According to experts they likely are harmful. They believe that it increases your …show more content…

A study known as COSMOS was started in 2010. The study focuses on cell phone use and its possible health effects. 290,000 people are participating in this study. They will be followed and checked on over the next 20 to 30 years. This study will hopefully further our understanding of the possible health effects of cell phones.

So, are cell phones harmful? How can you prevent electromagnetic radiation from cell phones? What studies are under way that will help further our understanding of the possible health effects of cell phone use? We answered this questions with the little information we have. The only real answer is that we don’t know. More research is needed.
“More than 90 percent of American adults use cell phones. Relatively little is known about their safety, however, because current exposure guidelines are based largely on knowledge about acute injury from thermal effects, not long-term, low-level exposure.”
-Dina Fine Maron
“Every day, we’re swimming in a sea of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) produced by electrical appliances, power lines, wiring in buildings, and a slew of other technologies that are part of modern

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