A Rough Childhood in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

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Jane Eyre Jane Eyre had a rough childhood. She, as a person, likes adventure, and control over her own life. Although while living in Gateshead, she barely had any control, but she had a voice that she cherished in using. Throughout her life, Jane Eyre makes a determined effort to adhere to her strong sense of self and independence. Life at Gateshead Hall was horrible for Jane. All the children could not play with her, and made fun of her. John Reed, son of Ms.Reed, constantly tortured, and abused Jane. Ms. Reed also kept isolating Jane from everyone. Everyone treated her below a servant because that is what they considered her as. "How is he my master? Am I a servant?' 'No, you are less than a servant," (Bronte 15) They thought this because for an unknown reason Ms. Reed hated Jane. She was an orphan that no one wanted or took care of. She swore she would take care of her to her brother, Jane's dad, who died in Jane's earlier years. Because Ms. Reed hated Jane, anyone could abuse Jane and torment her, and no one would do a thing. She is very independent and educated, which causes...

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