A Personal Speech: Following Your Inspiration

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9. Follow Your Inspiration

This one is a big one for me. I have had some inspiration to do some small and some big things in my life, and every time I 've listened to my inspiration and followed it, I have had a blast. Your inspiration is that little whisper that tells you to do something or pursue something. It can be a hunch, a revelation, or a flash thought that makes you question something. Try listening to it more and your life will fill up with things worth living for.

10. Live And Let Live

Live by this mantra. It will help you avoid judging other people, which is a waste of time. When you are judging others, you are unable to focus on your life. You can 't live life to the fullest! Let other people be who they want to be and do …show more content…

And, if you NEVER grab hold of your opportunities, then you will never truly experience life because opportunities are what lead us to new experiences. So, go on that date, go to that job interview, sign up for that course, agree to meet up with someone new, and say yes to making the most of your life!

15. Don 't Take Things So Seriously

The truth is that what we do today never seems as serious tomorrow. I was watching a clip of a pageant mom throwing a tantrum about how poorly her daughter did on stage. She was taking it all so serious and was stuck in her anger and regret. Do you really think that 's going to matter in her life years down the road? Do you think it would matter if her daughter died tomorrow? Absolutely not! Taking a lighter approach to life has helped me enjoy my moments more and really appreciate and make the most out of what is happening.

16. Make Use Of Everything You 've Got

Following is a quote by Erma Bombeck that explains this tip on how to live life to the fullest beautifully. "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, I used everything you gave

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