A Performance-Based Task

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The following is a performance-based task. During the test, I will be measuring various variables of personality, perception, and problem-solving characteristics. I presented Mr. Schmitt was ten cards faced down. I explained the instructions slowly, and thoroughly. I sat next to Mr. Schmitt and asked if he knew of the test, or had seen any of the images before. He said he had only heard of it, and couldn’t describe any of the images. I told him he will look at each of the cards one at a time and take as much time as he needs. I also stated that he may rotate or angle the cards in any way if necessary to respond. He indicated that he understood the instructions and had no questions. After adjusting my notepad and timer, we began the assessment. I flipped the first card and said, “What might this be?” Approximately five seconds passed before Mr. Schmitt made any movement. He kept his right hand extended, almost touching the card but not quite. Ten seconds passed and he asked, “You just say whatever it looks like?” I confirmed his questions without giving any sort of direction. He took a deep breathe from his chest and shook his head. At eighteen seconds, he confirmed, “A bug.” I stopped the timer and got the next card ready. I flipped the second card. Mr. Schmitt began to salivate …show more content…

Mr. Schmitt has remained in the same body placement, with his right hand extended toward to card. He sad not touched any cards. At nine seconds he said, “Puffy clouds.” I flipped the tenth card. Mr. Schmitt squinted his eyes. This was his longest response at twenty-six seconds. However, he did not confirm a response. Mr. Schmitt asked, “Do you have to give a response?” I told him to take a few more seconds and that looking at different angles might help. He moved his head to the right slightly, but didn’t move any other body position. At twenty-six seconds he said, “I don’t really see anything.” He looked up at me and confirmed that he was done

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