A Perfect Score: Effective Ways to Study for a Test

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Most college students are piled with difficult work each week. Collection of assignments, are stack carefully on the students desk ready to be completed. Let alone, a history professor later mentions that a test will be assigned in less than two days. The test makes a college student drown in caffeine;therefore, canceling all his plans due to planning a long marathon of studying. But luck has come along and studies of straight A’s students have shown effective ways to study for a test, which includes the steps of taking effective notes, finding a place to study, and reviewing for a test for a only a short length of time.
To start of, the first step to study is to take good notes. Taking good notes on a computer will decrease the time of studying, by being able to the complete notes without worrying about not being able to understand handwriting. In this book, How to Become a Straight -A Student. Cal Newport, a graduate student who earned thirty-six straight A’s in a row, explains the significance of note taking on a computer. “[y]ou type much faster than you write, so the laptop will allow you to record more points in more detail. This increased detail and readability will make it easier to study come test time[...]” (Newport 68). Taking notes on a computer will save students time for reviewing for a test. People type faster than they can write, creating an unequal balance between the both methods. In todays college classes, more than seventy percent of students take notes on the computer due to the effectiveness readability and the way you can fix and structure with color clearly the main ideas the professor wanted to engaged. Also, taking notes with “question, evidence, and conclusion” will help you create a perfect study guide ...

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...astination devil,” as Newport describes, will lay on the students shoulder making he or she leave without doing any work. Particurly, study at a distant place. Newport, suggests getting drop off at a place far from home to study can benefit a student from leaving or getting distracted from friends or electronics. Newport suggests, “[i]t helps if your location is farther than walking distance from campus [...] arrange to be dropped off and picked up later, or choose a location that takes a while to reach by foot so you won’t be tempted to leave right away”(46). This method, helps students avoid procrastinating. While being away from a students home can isolate a student from his electronics and friends. In the end, finding the right place is critical for a students college career.

Works Cited

"How to Take Great Notes." GreatSchools. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.

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