A&P 2

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Celiac disease, which is sometimes known as gluten-sensitive enteropathy or celiac sprue, is a genetically linked autoimmune disorder that affects both adults and children. This disease may develop at any point in a person's life, from infancy to late adulthood. In people that suffer with celiac disease, eating certain types of protein fractions, also known as gluten, will set off an immune mediated response at the site of their epithelial cells. There are a few different types of tests that will help in diagnosing celiac disease, including blood tests and endoscopies. The signs and symptoms that are associated with celiac disease can vary greatly among patient's. Although the classic signs are diarrhea and weight loss, most people will experience few or no digestive symptoms at all. Doctors will perform endscopies and biopsies to help determine the damage that celiac has caused to the small intestine. The only treatment there is for celiac disease is to follow a gluten-free diet. Doctors may suggest that a newly diagnosed person work with a dietitian to set up a diet plan. Since the exact cause of celiac is still unknown, there is not any known way to prevent the development of it. Although, being aware of the different risk factors, like having a member of your family with this disorder may increase the chances of an early diagnosis, treatment, and a healthy life. Every day researchers are working to try and get a better understanding of celiac disease and all of its various presentations. There is ongoing research that is also exploring the potential drug treatments for celiac disease.

Celiac disease is an inflammatory condition in the small intestine, and is induced by gluten. It damages the lining of a person's small intest...

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... duration of breastfeeding is unknown. Introduction of food that contains gluten within the first three months of a childs life may increase their risk of celiac disease. During the time of weaning, food products that contain gluten should not be introduced in very large amounts.

There is quite a bit of ongoing research and many different types of clinical trials, the celiac disease research center is helping health care professionals to understand and better recognize celiac disease. It is also trying to help celiac patients to better manage and deal with the symptoms that they are faced with. Scientists are working to try to develop a cure and other possible treatments, such as potential drug treatments, rather than just sticking to a gluten-free diet. Additionally, the center is investigating potential links between other autoimmune diseases and celiac disease.

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