A New Form of Anti-Semitism

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A New form of Anti-Semitism

Adolf Hitlers’ Mein Kampf published July 18, 1925 outlined Hitler’s plan to reform Germany based on one true race. During this time period; shortly after World War One, Germany was on the bridge of economic, political, and social shambles. In 1919 the signing of the Treaty of Versailles threw Germany even closer to self destruction. The Treaty proposed new sanctions and relinquished territories from Germany, while in essence burdening the cost of the war on Germany. During this time of hardship the German people looked for a hero and a savior, who appeared in the image of Adolf Hitler bringing with him new ideas and a plan to return Germany to its hight in power. Based on the passage “A New form of Anti-Semitism” Hitler used the platform of anti-semitism to tighten his grip on an already weakened Germany referencing all that was wrong with the Jewish race and demeaning their purpose for existing. This one novella resulted in the rise of a new political party who tightened its grip on Germany and led to horrors in another World War that had never been seen before.

Adolf Hitler, was born on April 20th, 1889 in Bronau am Inn, Austria Hungary (a town that borders Bavaria). Hitler was the fourth child out of six to parents Klara Plötzl and Albis Hitler, who both spoke with a distinct Bavarian accent, the one Hitler was so famously accredited for. The loss of Hitlers younger brother Edmund on the 2nd of February 1900 from the measles changed Hitler in a way never imagined. His teachers told stories about the change of a strong willed and confident young boy who changed into a detached, unfazed, and melodramatic man. Shortly after hitlers dismissal from Volksshule (government run school) Hitlers paren...

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... society into one based on race took affect and led one if not the most devastating genocides the world has ever seen. Mein Kampf highlighted Hitlers anti-Semitic ideologies and highlighted the way in which Hitler would rise to power. Mein Kampf gave the world an insight into the mind of Adolf Hitler. We sensed that he was a stern person who was unfazed in what he did. No one could predict the mass horror that resulted from the publishing of one autobiography and the ideas that where suggested throughout. Mein Kampf illustrated the political, social, and religious views during the time after WWI and was taken to heart by millions of people unfortunately with the wrong mindset by the wrong person who gained power at the wrong time.

Work Cited

Naimark, Norman M. (2002). Fires of Hatred: Ethnic Cleansing in Twentieth -Century Europe. Harvard University Press.

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