Augusta Comte And Merton's Functional Theory

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Functional theory is the defined as a framework for building theory that sees society complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. Augusta Comte and Herbert Spence looked at society as a living organism. For example, an animals or person has organs that function together so does society. Organic solidarity is social unity based on a division of labor that results in people depending on each other. Emile Durkheim developed organic solidarity to explain individuals’ workers to specific bodily organs and a group of people to a body. Different bodily organs serve different functions, without these organs the body would die, and so would the individual organs. Some of the different functions are education, religion, economics, and family. In a society individual workers perform different kinds of labor, without which society could not function, nor could individual workers succeed. Robert Merton did not agree with society as a living organism. He did believe society is a whole unit made up of parts that work together. He believed the word function was the beneficial consequences of people’s …show more content…

George Mead and Charles Cooley developed symbolic interaction and believed that symbols are in everyday life. Symbolic interaction is the human action and interaction are comprehensible through the exchange of communication or symbols. Humans are represented by acting and social interaction. Symbols are anything that can be specified, referred, or pointed to. For example, a friend, book, or language. Language gives people a way to negotiate meaning through symbols. People identify meaning in speech and acts with others. Symbolic interaction examines that people use symbols, and interpret the meanings of those actions and symbols for themselves and for

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