A Fool´s War: The Vietnam War

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A Fool's War
Most of us grew up thinking our country was a strong but kind nation who only involved itself with world affairs to preserve peace in a world full of chaos, who respected other nations and their individuality, and who only faught as a last resort to a pressing problem. The United States did not seek external conquest but, sought to peacefully interact with the world. Unfortunately, the Cold War caused many issues to arrise which non before could have forseen coming.
In recent years, after the Cold War scare had long since wained away, a more aggressive, activist foreign policy became apparent in the United States forcing many of us to rethink certain attitudes. The Vietnam War provided a razor-sharp edge to severe the last sliver of illusion that America was driven cheifly by its own morality and democracy. The self-righteous principles upon which we the people were promised in Vietnam in the form of money is being delivered in Vietnam for economic and social destruction and political repression has rapidly lost what power it might ever have had to assure us that our government is doing the right thing. As we continue to explore the reality of this situation and of our own governments actions over Vietnam, we realize Senator Morse may be the greatest threat to achieving world peace presently.
The President declares we are defending freedom in Vietnam (Newman 606). Whose freedom? The first act of many of the USA's was to install a Vietnamese dictator, Diem, to suppress and persecute all political opposition (Newman 575). The first American supplies sent over were not used to fight Communist enemies; it was used to control or kill any who sought something better for Vietnam than the political corruption of Diem's re...

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... war; maybe we have not yet had a chance to listen to the screams of a child and hav enot yet seen the destruction before their eyes as their whole life is gone in a day.
This issue will not be resolved quickly. The long lasting effects of this war may be profound and take a long tim to recover. But that means we have to stand up for what is morally right in our hearts instead of letting someone who does not sympathize with the victims of the war run our country. WE CAN NOT STAND BY AND WATCH THESE ATROCITIES BE CONDUCED ANY LONGER. Come my brothers and sisters. Let us stand up for those without a voice and salvage anything and everything we can in hopes of creating a brighter future for our children to some day be given the oppurtunity to live in. All our lives, our destinies, our very hopes to live, depend on our ability to overcome the present oppressive system.

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