A Critical Review of Francis Schaeffer

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Topic Paragraph
Francis Schaeffer summarized his the entire book when he wrote, "To understand where we are in today's world–in our intellectual ideas and in our cultural and political lives–we must trace three lines in history, namely, the philosophic, the scientific, and the religious" (Schaeffer, 2005, p.20). Schaeffer is mainly stating that society is getting away from its Christians roots. He walks through instances in history where society has moved away from the principle teachings of the Bible. He believes that the problems in society are because individuals are ignoring the Christian principles that this world was built upon. He warns that this shift can have a catastrophic effect on how the world will look in the future.
Purpose of Text
The main purpose of Schaeffer's book is to explain to the world that society is heading down a damaged path. Society is continually moving towards a humanist ideal. This is a philosophy where the person is the center of everything in the world. Schaeffer seems to be hinting that society is putting the person ahead of the purpose, in life. That focus can lead us to idealize a single person or persona. When that happens, it could be disastrous for man-kind.
That path that society is heading down is leading towards an authoritarian rule. If we keep focusing on the individual, then we could become enamored with one human being. This will then allow one person to rule over everyone and everything in society. Schaeffer believes that this authoritarian rule will take away everyone's rights and freedoms that individuals throughout history have fought so hard to protect. He wants society to analyze the path that it is on and reconnect to the values of Christianity to alter the cou...

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...dvances in genetics that are hurting the human race. Schaeffer (2005) stated, "advocates of genetic engineering...support the position that the weak should not be kept alive through medical advances to produce a weaker next generation" (p. 151). Genetic advances have done so much more than improve the lives of the strong. The field of genetics has been able to identify the gene that causes cancer and other diseases that debilitate human beings. I believe the field of genetics has been working towards improving the lives of the weak instead of finding a way to eradicate their existence. I cannot agree with Schaeffer on his discussion of the use of genetics in society.

Works Cited

Schaeffer, Francis A.. How should we then live?: the rise and decline of western thought and culture. L'Abri 50th anniversary ed. Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2005. Print.

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