Movie Gone Girl Reflection

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Throughout the course we learned of the monstrosities that not only humans are capable of, but also attracted to. In the movie Gone Girl we see a female character fake her death and frame her husband for her murder. Prior to this class I had just taken the movie for what it was, a drama and mystery but, after examining the movie closely I see it is way more than a Hollywood blockbuster. By picking apart all aspects of the movie through both a philosophical and theoretical lens we see how the movie addresses social norms, our ideal selves, and gender performativity. Amy plays a very intricate role when it comes to exposing contemporary social norms. When I first saw this movie I did not give many things a second thought, for instance when the …show more content…

In Magistrale’s “Terror Theories” we see how abjection affects society. Abjection is when our natural understanding of roles, rules, and borders is threatened. Theoretically Amy should be a submissive, delicate, loving, and dependent wife. Even since 2014 I feel as if society has steered away from that. Overtime I feel like these gender roles are changing for the better. Earlier I had spoken in regards to gender performativity and now we are on abjection and I feel as if they go hand in hand because times are changing. In the 1900’s a woman who spoke her mind and had a high paying job virtually went against all societal norms, whereas now a woman who possess these attributes no longer threatens these norms. Amy was not the only one who threatened societal norms; Nick also was not falling inline to what is required of a man. Nick said that he had a mistress because he felt that he was just Amy’s puppet and his relationship with Andie was the only thing he could control. With no job or anything really going for Nick he knew that he was not fulfilling what was required of him. Desi was close to an ideal man; he was wealthy and was only missing a woman. Did you ever think why it didn’t work out between him and Amy? It is because Amy could not live up to the ideal women he needed her to be. Amy completely changed from the girl she was at the trailer park, which I believe was her true self, to a very delicate and sophisticated woman. Another reason why I believe Amy did not want to be with Desi was because she could not as easily manipulate him as she had done with Nick and her first boyfriend. Nick had even said to his sister Margot that he was only Amy’s puppet. In the bar when Nick met with Amy’s first boyfriend, the boyfriend had stated that he was getting tired of Amy because she was controlling him too much as

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