A Comparison Of The Lost Generation In The Sun Also Rises By Ernest Hemingway

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The end of WW1 was the start of the “Lost Generation.” The war caused many people to be “lost” and unsure of the next step. In The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway, the lost generation is represented by his characters Jake and Robert Cohn. By using a character foil between these two characters, Hemingway is able to depict which one of the characters are morally ambiguous and consciously aware. Hemingway also classified his hero and others by the distinction which ones focus on internal values and are consciously aware. Hemingway also writes this book to influence positive moral that are represented through Jake; These include being loyal, and excited to enjoy life and live it to the fullest. Which given the time period many people frowned Through the novel, Jake’s actions and values prove that he is one who focuses on internal values and has a clear vision of what it means to live life to the fullest. In addition, Jake also shows his loyalty to his peers by being a hero. During the novel Jake as an attraction for the fairest maiden of the land, Lady Brett Ashley. Brett is one who is very attractive and has men falling at her feet. During their relationship, Brett remarks that the relationship will not work because Jake cannot perform sexually. This news, however, doesn’t cause Jake to discard Brett as he stayed loyal to her and supports her future relations. Having his quality of consistent values and being loyal shows how Jake know his clear path in life. This also shows his ambiguity because it's not a common thing at the time to still stay loyal to someone who denied you. Instead of going into a depression over a relationship, Jake accepts the inevitable and moves on to live life to the fullest. Furthermore, during the end of the novel, Jake and Brett are once again alone in a taxi cab. However, this time Jake doesn’t focus solely on Brett and her external feature, instead his is more aware of his surroundings. During the ride, Brett explains, “we could have had such a damned good time together.” In response, Jake says, “isn't it pretty to think so.” Jakes comment once again reinforces his hero status and how he is one that is more He is also ambiguous just like Jake. Romero is an up and coming bullfighter. Anytime he performs the crowd goes wild. This is because he bullfights for the love of the sport and is truly passionate about it. This similarity of internal values over social recognition may be slightly unclear due to the fact that Romero is trying to fill the shoes of the once great Belmonte. Belmonte was a legend. One of the most famous bullfighters in every life. Upon his return from retirement, he competes against Romero. In this bullfight, we truly find out what kind of fighters these two are. Romero is deemed heroic because he doesn’t stray away from danger. On the other hand, Belmonte is booed out of the rink as he was fighting bulls that were small and had small horns. This relates to Jake and Cohn character foil because in many cases Romero shows similar qualities as Jake. Which at first confuse the reader and lead them to call Jake and Romer morally ambiguous. However, Belmonte and Cohn are very similar due to their fixation of social status and external values. It is the contrast between these two that makes clear to the reader that Jake and Romero are examples that we should follow because if not we would end up like Cohn. Alone, without anyone caring for

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