Good Country People Character Analysis Essay

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A common aspect of Flannery O’Connor’s literary works is her use of heavily flawed characters. O’Connor’s characters often exhibit gothic and incongruous characteristics. O’Connor’s short story, “Good Country People,” is no exception to her traditional writing style with characters such as Hulga Hopewell, Mrs. Hopewell, Mrs. Freeman, and Manley Pointer. O’Connor uses gothic characterization and symbolism to produce a great short story about a few ruthless country people. The characters and their traits in the short story, “Good Country People,” play a major role in enhancing the plot of the story. The short story’s main character, Hulga Hopewell, is a physically impaired thirty-two-year-old woman who uses her physical complications as …show more content…

Hopewell’s hopefulness works against her good will. Her optimism leads her to only see the good in people and situations. Mrs. Hopewell’s simplemindedness foreshadows her daughter’s defeat to Manley’s manipulative skills. From the beginning of the story, Mrs. Hopewell coins the phrase, “good country people.” This quote proves that Mrs. Hopewell forms superficial stereotypes of certain types of people. She assumes that all country people are good people. Manley’s devout Christian, country boy act easily fools Mrs. Hopewell. She believes he is a great person because he appears to be religious and country. Though Mrs. Hopewell’s always seems to have good intentions with her daughter, Mrs. Hopewell inflicts her views of country people on her daughter, which leads to her daughter’s blindness from reality. Mrs. Freeman, the Hopewell’s family helper, plays a very small, yet important role in Flannery O’Connor’s story. Contrary to how Mrs. Hopewell’s name corresponds with her personality, Mrs. Freeman’s name differs from her actuality. Mrs. Freeman’s name implies that she is free from control, but she works for another family as if she is …show more content…

Her artificial leg is made from wood, not flesh and bone. Her “superior intelligence” comes from books, not real world experiences. In actuality, Hulga’s artificial leg and “superior intelligence” are completely useless. Hulga’s poor eyesight symbolizes her blindness to reality. Hulga’s poor vision prevents from seeing through Manley’s disguise as a good country boy. Instead of seeing what’s inside of people, Hulga only sees superficial traits. Hulga’s eyeglasses do not help her to see Manley’s wicked intentions. Hulga spends all of her time reading philosophy books to learn about the world, instead of learning about the world through real interaction. Hulga also associates her doctoral degree with her intellectual superiority to “good country people.” Hubbard states that Hulga defines good country people as people who can be easily seduced because of their simplicity and lack of knowledge. It is ironic that a young, simple-minded boy could manipulate an intellectually superior woman. Hulga’s weak heart symbolizes her emotional weakness to seduction and her lack of compassion for others (Oliver). Manley seduces Hulga to the point where she wants to be a part of him. O’Conner states that Hulga allowing Manley to remove her artificial leg “was like surrendering to him completely. It was like losing her own life and finding it again, miraculously, in his.” Because Hulga

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