A Brief Biography of Entrepreneurship

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1. Introduction

In times of crisis, the economy needs new ideas to bring about a change to reactive safely the economy and provide

more confidence to the customers. Entrepreneurship plays an important role in the sustainable growth in the economy

performance. Innovation and creativity have been never easy, however, in a globalized world that is struggling to recover

from a major economic crisis, they play a vital role to recover the economy, becoming the new core competencies of

corporations, and a company’s greatest asset may be its creative capital (Nussbaum 2005). As a result of that, Start- ups has diversified the trends, identifying and evaluating new business opportunities, providing to the customer a huge

diversity of the fresh ideas and perspectives, essentials for a company's long-term success.

The consequences of entrepreneurship, in terms of economic performance, have also generated an extensive

discussion with firms. Mostly, the start-ups lack the strategic and operational rigidities that can stifle innovation in

established firms. Homewer, they have limited resources and often struggle to access the complementary assets that

they need to get their ideas to market. On the contrary, established firms has the luxury of calling stories and

experiences of their companies as well to show an extensive portafilo that will give the economic strength to afford

multiple resources for a better marketing for it product or services.

The purpose of this essay is to give you a definition about entrepreneurship and why it is relevant to start-ups and

established firms.

2. Definition Entrepreneurship

Many definitions of entrepreneurship can be found in the literature describing business processes. Depends on...

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...ship definition. Available at: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/entrepreneurship.html

(Accessed 27 March 2014)

Blank, S. (2014) Why Companies Are Not Startups. Available from: http://www.forbes.com/sites/steveblank/2014/03/04/why- companies-are-not-startups/ (Accessed 08 May 20014)

Koen, P. A. Bertels, H. M. J., and Elsum, I.R.( 2011) ‘The three faces of business model innovation: Challenges

for established firms’. Research Technology Management, 1-8. . Available from http://www.google.ie/url?




5KBg&bvm=bv.67229260,d.ZGU&cad=rja (Accessed 07 May 20014)

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