Block Scheduling Essay

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What does the average person do when they have so much to do and they do not feel like they have enough time to do any of it? Some people work well under the pressure and even succeed, but other people crumble and may leave some things undone. Many students have this problem. Education is not an area where students should feel rushed or fall behind in their work because they do not have enough time. Teachers can also feel the strain of time when they are trying to teach. Block scheduling is the answer for time management and optimization. Block scheduling allows more time in one class, fewer classes per semester, and the option to take a variety of classes if the student chooses to do so. Block scheduling allows the students to have an hour and thirty minutes to learn the material, ask questions, and get more one-on-one help from the teacher; moreover, the teachers can create better ways for their students to learn because they have enough time to explain. In a class, like calculus, a teacher has to figure out the best way to teach his or her students the material for the day. If the lesson for the day is long, they can get it done in one day. …show more content…

Learning can sometimes be hard; this is especially true when a student has to focus on many subject areas at once. This is also beneficial in the area of homework and studying: there is more time to focus on one subject. On a block schedule a student spends about the same amount of time at school as if they were not on block schedule (give or take an hour.) A student with four classes gets out of school at 3:30 and goes to bed at 10:00; if that student studies and does homework for hour per class that student still has about three hours leisure time. Whereas a student with seven classes has to study less for some classes, or lose sleep trying to get all homework and studying

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