5 Pillars Of Islam Religion

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Islam has long been seen as a barbaric, warlike religion. It’s been that way for such a long time, at least since the 9/11 terrorist attacks by al-Qaeda and now with ISIL. The opinion has only perpetuated and worsened since then, but the fact is that these terrorists might call themselves Muslim, but if one reads the Qur’an or the Hadiths they can find that Islam is as relatively peaceful as Christianity. The Islamic religion is based on the Qur’an- when written in Arabic, it is considered to be the literal word of Allah himself. There are also five Pillars of Islam: declaration of faith, praying five times a day, giving money to charity, fasting, and a pilgrimage to Mecca. Jihad, by now, is something likely many people think of when they …show more content…

Then Mina, a feast day, commences. Afterwards, there is Arafat, a reminder of what is to come in the Day of Judgement, where Muslims believe humankind will stand in extreme heat, waiting to be judged. Then Muzdalifah, where approximately three million pilgrims will sleep under the stars, with no tents or covering. After this, during Jamaraat, pilgrims throw pebbles at 3 pillars which are meant to represent the temptations Ibrahim faced while readying to sacrifice his son (after this, men shave their heads completely, while women cut off a lock of hair, the next three days are spent throwing rocks at the pillars again, praying, reading the Qur’an, and contemplating). Then pilgrims will buy vouchers to sacrifice animals, after which the meat is given to those who cannot afford it. The final part of Hajj is the Farewell Tawaaf, where one is to circle the Kaaba 7 times once more, and then the Hajj is finally

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