2BR02B Kurt Vonnegut Analysis

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Imagine a society where overpopulation has been cured, people do not age and people do not get sick. Well, this is the exact kind of Utopia that Kurt Vonnegut has created in “2BR02B”. Although, for every one baby born, one person must willingly die. This short story was written in 1962, where concern over population growth increased greatly. Society’s concerns played a big part in the writing of this story. Despite people preparing to die when a new born is welcomed to the world, the uncertainty of accidental death was not factored in “2BR02B” as well as natural death. People may get medicine that can make the citizens of the Utopia live as long as they could wish, but nothing and no one lasts forever. The state of people not dying is an illustration …show more content…

Welhing shot Leora Duncan, Mr. Hitz, and finally shot himself as a way of sacrificing for the sake of the three babies. Mr. Welhing can be deemed as a kind man as well as a cruel man because of the actions he took. Strict population control measures sometimes, are considered to be unfair to people's beliefs, culture, and religion. Some cultures in the world believe having many children is a kind of blessing to the society. However, the United States government does not endorse the population control or stabilization, thus the government leaves the decision regarding the bearing of children to the parents (Sebastian and Rice). In the 1920s, Sanger was a human rights activist that defended the rights of women and children in the United States government. Sanger demonstrated many political representations in the United States before World War I. As quoted by Sanger in 1925, “If the millions of dollars which are now expended in the care and maintenance of those who in all kindness should never have been brought into this world were converted to a system of bonuses to unfit parents, paying them to refrain from further parenthood, and continuing to pay them while they controlled their procreative faculties, this would not only be a profitable investment, but the salvation of American civilization.” Sanger’s statements became noteworthy on public briefings. “2BRO2B” portrays Vonnegut’s view of the future, in a not so great way. He uses this story …show more content…

However, the assurance of the babes to live and attain the age of the people who get killed is not guaranteed. The growth of the children and the ability to participate in community work, to develop and make the world a better place, will take time. In case, the rule of killing people every time a new baby was born is not just. By the time the newborn babies will attain the age where they can be set free to depend on their own, the parents and other elderly people would have aged, hence not productive any more. Since elderly citizens will not be actively participating in society activities, the younger people will work to take care of the

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