25 Days

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“Now class, it’s time to go and get your coats and head outside for recess.” Clara Oswald states.

“Yes Ms. Oswald,” the students chant almost in unison.

The principal steps into the classroom as the children leave. “There is a man on the phone for you Ms. Oswald; he says he’s the Doctor, are you sick?” The principal asks.

Clara smiles, grabs her coat and runs out the door.

Doctor Who? Ms. Oswald come back immediately!” the principal shouts after her but it doesn’t matter because Clara was long gone.

* * *
“So nice of you to call me at work Doctor.” Clara said as she stepped into the TARDIS.

The Doctor looked up from the controls, and smiled. “Yes I should think so, my Impossible Girl.”

Clara laughed, “Where are we off to today?”

“I was thinking that we could take a trip to a planet that has been transmitting this signal.”

“Oh really. And what are they saying?” Clara asked. The Doctor was being his typical clever self, the one that she found extremely attractive.

The Doctor held up his psychic paper with a message written on the inside. “Help me; we are going to need a Doctor.”

Clara strolled around the centerpiece to stand in front of the Doctor. “And you don’t find that the least bit suspicious. You don’t think that it might be a trap or something?”

“Quite possible, but when has that ever stopped me?”

Clara rolled her eyes and in the corner of them she saw a red spec, “Doctor is that what I think it is?”

“What?” The Doctor played with controls, pulling levers and pushing buttons.

“This.” Clara walked over to the window and picked up a fez.

“Ah, yes my fez. Thank you Clara; I was looking for that. Toss it here please.”

Clara threw the fez at him and said, “One day y...

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...ice when someone asks for help, I don’t get to make house calls often." Ten replied.

"Really, now isn't that curious. I got the exact same message on mine." The Doctor told Ten showing him the paper. "Now would you mind parking your TARDIS parallel to mine so that we can see what we were called here for?."

"No problem," Ten said as he closed the door. The TARDIS’ engines whirred and disappeared only to resound moments later beside the Doctor.

That's when Clara saw it from the doorway.

A Dalek.

It’s body turned to look at her and it screeched, "Exterminate!"

Ten threw open the TARDIS door to see what was going on and the Doctor looked up screaming "No!"

The bright blue laser from the ray gun went straight into Clara's chest, hitting her heart. Her skeleton flashed dark blue as she turned translucent.

Clara crumpled and fell backwards into the TARDIS.

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