1763 Proclamation Essay

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1763 Proclamation. The Proclamation is where the people who were already settled had to go back east to not make the indians not as mad as they were. KIng George 111 signed the proclamation saying that nobody could move west of the Appalachian Mountains. Colonists did not like the restrictions on where they could move. Without the French being there the colonists felt like they should be allowed to move west of the Appalachian Mountains. 1764 Sugar Act, In 1764 was the Sugar Act. The Sugar Act extended the molasses Act by changing the the tax on imports from 6 cent/gallon to 3 cents/gallon. They actually cut it, but started to enforce it by stamping out smuggling. They put taxes on mainly sugar and molasses. 1765 Stamp Act, The Stamp Act …show more content…

When the crowd got to the house the officer called for help and they colonists started to throw snowballs, stones, and clubs at the officer. Once an officer got knocked down the panicked redcoats fired and killed 5 colonists. 1773 Tea Act, This act offered tax exemptions rebates for incoming tea. This act also allowed the english parliament to dump cheap tea on colonies. It made tea prices lower. 1773 The Boston Tea Party, It was december 16 when a few men dressed as indians threw about $4,000,000 [350 crates] into the boston harbor. This happened because of the Tea Act. 1774 Intolerable Act, This act happened because of the boston tea party. This act said that the harbor would be closed until the colonists repaid for the ruined tea. This prevented incoming food and other supplies that came through on ships. 1774 Continental Congress, 55 men went to Philadelphia. Although, the congress were not united, they soon realized they needed to work as a team. They were a team that wanted to represent America's interest and challenge the

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