The Importance Of A Dystopian Society

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A Dystopian society can be defined by numerous ways, there is not one single mold that a society must fit to be considered dystopian. The world could be in ruins, with man surviving by living like animals in squalor, modern advancements completely useless, society could become far more advanced than the people are ready for causing a lot of human jobs to become obsolete and having machine run the lives of everyone, also like Gregory Claeys said in Dystopia: A Natural History, “we see miles of barbed wire broken by guard towers topped with machine guns and searchlights.” (Claeys 3) Science fiction is for the most part a story of future social orders in which the affect of science and innovation on mankind is a major subject of it. “Utopia” and …show more content…

Or, to put it more precisely, it is founded on illusions. That is, much that is conventional, taken-for-granted, the ‘way things are’ does not stand up to close examination. The affluent Western world has become entranced by its wealth, its success and its ever more compelling technological prowess.” (Slaughter xxi) Many people become distracted by all the things around them that often it is difficult to keep track of the path that society is going down and when it is realized it is often far too late to be able to diverge from that path. A dystopian future is a far more likely outcome than that of a utopian one. Most dystopian futures tend to deal with the government or a tyrant taking control over society with the mindset that it is for the greater good that society be inhibited. While what may happen in the future is entirely speculation since no individual can, with certainty, predict what will become of society, it can be inferred what may happen, based on the actions of any society's governing body “. . .in order to understand the future of humans, we obviously must understand their present.” (Slaughter xi). With the current state of the United States government it is extremely plausible that within the foreseeable future America will become a dystopian society. With all the promises that President Donald Trump had made to ‘make America great again’ the assumption of the future bing at risk is not all that …show more content…

It is no secret that the past few years more and more disaster have been occurring in the world, such as, various hurricanes wreaking havoc throughout the world, Hurricane Maria in the Dominican Republic, Hurricane Irma in the United States and various Caribbean islands, and Hurricane Harvey in the United States. Also there have been numerous earthquakes and floods throughout the world that were not covered on national news that the world is blissfully unaware of. All these natural disasters have left the areas they hit disseminated, most of which lost electricity and running water, many people also lost their lives. These disasters do not only affect humans, but also wildlife, with the extensive loss of various flora and fauna the animal food chain also takes a toll. Climate is often influenced by various circumstances some of which are in fact human made and also just a natural occurrence. The climate of the earth depends on the emission of greenhouse gasses that cause the earth's atmosphere to hold in more of the heat it expels, without these gases the earth would be substantially cooler. “Human activities have also increased the emission of other greenhouse gases, such as methane, nitrous oxide and halocarbons.” (Karl 14) The main reason that the climate is getting increasingly

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