Special Education Essay

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The word “special” heavily defines a special education classroom. Often, “special” is used as a derogatory term to label students with intellectual or physical disabilities. “Special,” however, is meant to describe the uniquely structured environment for the students. Special Education classrooms are best defined by the exceptional characteristics that make the classrooms set apart from General Education classrooms. A Special Education classroom is special because it does not limit the students, provides guidance, is inclusive, and teaches important life-skills.
Special education is special in many ways. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, established in 2004, defines special education as, “specially designed instruction, at no …show more content…

However, a phrase that represents a common goal for many teachers in special education is, “modification without limitation.” Through modification, teachers can take a common goal, for example, learning to add numbers, and modify activities to help their students learn how to add in an individualized, unique way. Some students may best learn to add while using blocks, and some may learn best while using a number line. These simple, yet noteworthy modifications are most commonly found within Special Education and less commonly found in General Education. Students in General Education classrooms are generally only given one method to approach a problem and are merely forced to abide by the instructed, single way of thought. Students in Special Education are capable of doing merely any task; they just might need additional guidance to help them along the …show more content…

Inclusion is a commitment to give each student the opportunity to set goals, learn from others to develop good social skills and help students accomplish what they aspire to do and what they aspire to be. Teachers in Special Education look for their students’ strengths; one student may be able to draw elaborate pictures, while another can remember the exact size, shape, and color of an object. When combining the strengths of their students, a teacher can have a group of students work together to create a precise drawing of the Taj Mahal. Inclusion is also making its mark through Special Olympics’ Unified Champion Schools, a program in schools that promotes equality through sports and other activities for students with physical and or intellectual disabilities. Both teachers and programs that advocate for Special Education are taking a stance to make all students feel able and welcome to set goals and accomplish grand ideas. Special Education classrooms set expectations high in making sure all students are treated equally with the kindness and respect that everyone deserves. Inclusion allows for students to see the success of their strengths while learning from other students to build on their weaknesses. Upon building on their weaknesses, students can then apply the new knowledge in their successful

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