Essay On Social Order

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Social orders have existed for many years and have been passed down from one generation to another. In history class we have discovered that “social order” was a product of “civilized” societies. Social order was the structure of a civilized society created by human and it determines where one is placed and their duty. The way social order was justified was through philosophical and religious beliefs and morals. The wealthy and the people who reinforce these justifications are the ones who benefit from a social order. I’ll be supporting my paper on social order through information from Vedic India and China. Social order was defined by Merriam Webster as “a particular set or system of linked social structures, institutions, relations, …show more content…

For example, Vedic India’s caste system was placed in the following order from top to bottom: the brahmins, warriors, middle class people, the low ranked civilians. The civilians were the ones who did the majority, if not all, of the back breaking work that allowed the land to flourish and feed the population. Although this class name isn’t part of the caste system, there is group that is considered so low that they cannot be part of the caste system, called “untouchables”. The untouchables know their place as well as everyone else so no one else interacts with them. In China, The social order works by keeping everyone in their designated category to avoid disorder as a whole because they are one huge family that cooperate together. Social order functions to keep everyone from causing a chaos and telling everyone the duties they fulfill. (BP#2: How social order works/ …show more content…

For example, the Brahmins were the ones at the top of the caste in Vedic India and they used fear to manipulate and control everyone below them by mentioning what they will go through after they die depending how they act in the lives they live now. The Brahmins were the middle people who interpret how the gods wanted everyone to act, live, and do until the day they die. Everyone wanted to be in the place where there was no suffering completely, so the Brahmins used that fear to benefit them and keep everyone in line. In the case of the Chinese, their caste system functioned because the emperor was chosen by the gods to take control of the land and thought that the empire was one huge family that helps everyone out in . The caste system was justified through the concept of religious connections that the people of the land desired in order to fulfill an obedient life that would help them obtain an afterlife with the gods. (BP#3: How it’s

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