Parenting Styles Essay

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The Psychological Effects Of Parenting Styles On Children Being an 18 year old is probably one of the hardest roles that I have played in my life. Granted, everything seems worse in the moment, but this moment is surely testing me. The hardest thing about this role is defining who I actually am and how others are viewing me. The law views me as an adult, the school views me as a minor, and my parents view me as a reckless, irresponsible, teenager. All of these roles have been clearly expressed to me, excluding my role as viewed by my parents. The style in which my parents decided to parent me has aided in making my role as an 18 year old much more difficult because of how demanding and responsive they are. Each set of parents has their own way of doing things, their own amount of demandingness and responsiveness. There are These styles were developed as categories to place parents based off of how they ranged (high to low) on “demandingness and responsiveness” (Darling, 1999). Nancy Darling reports good succinct definitions, originally from Baumrind of each of the categories in her article “Parenting Styles and Its Correlates” The Permissive parents do not demand much out of their children, but they are very responsive and supportive of their child. The Authoritarian parents are the exact opposite, being very demanding, but not very responsive. Lastly, the Authoritative, they are the style in between. These parents understand that there needs to be a balance between structure and support. When you start to put each of these parenting styles in specific scenarios, it quickly becomes clear how the children are affected emotionally/psychologically by their

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