Difference Between Monopoly And Monopoly

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A market can be structured in a way depending on the characteristics of competition within the market. An existing debate in microeconomics is about if the consumer is better of in a monopoly market or in a perfect competition market. I Personally think that a monopoly market is better for a consumer's welfare because the price is set above marginal cost and the company earns a positive profit.

A monopoly market is where a individual company has full control of the supply and trade and they are identified by a lack of economic competition to produce the good or service and a lack of practical substitute goods. In monopolies the producer sets the price, he determines the price level by deciding what quantity of a good to produce. Public utility companies like for water tend to be monopolies. The price to apply pipes is so high it doesn't make sense to have more than one provider. There are no good replacement for water delivery so consumers or buyers have few options. If the water pipe distributor decided to higher their prices it is probable that most consumers would continue to purchase the pipes, so the seller is a price maker.

Monopoly’s Average revenue curve is also the Demand Curve. its Marginal Revenue curve is less than the Demand Curve to increase output, The monopolist then has to lower his price and every …show more content…

One disadvantage about the monopolistic market is that companies in order to have a different product than other companies they add features that are unrelated and do not concentrate on improving the main product which results in buyers paying extra for added features but in real life that feature of the product does not increase buyers

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