Advantages Of Artificial Intelligence

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Daniel Dong10/9/17The Potential Benefits and Ramifications of Artificial Intelligence, Artificial General Intelligence, and Artificial Superintelligence
Often, when people think of artificial intelligences, they envision a malevolent machine akin to Skynet from The Terminator. However, such constructs are not the only types of artificial intelligence, nor are artificial intelligences necessarily ‘evil’. Artificial intelligences have no subjective feeling as humans do; they simply attempt to achieve their goal in the most efficient method available to them. Scientists have classified three different types of artificial intelligence, each having their own benefits and ramifications. The three different types of artificial intelligence being: …show more content…

AI refers to a machine’s ability to imitate human cognitive abilities such as problem solving and learning. Humans have already created many examples of AI, Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant, being a prime example. AI is the most controllable of the three different forms of artificial intelligence, meaning that humans can ensure that they are always beneficial and safe to use. However, AI is also the most limited of the three different artificial intelligences as it is not truly intelligent in the way humans perceive it. An AI can only imitate human cognitive abilities, meaning that AI has no cognitive abilities of its own.The second form of artificial intelligence is known as artificial general intelligence (AGI) or human level machine intelligence (HLMI). AGIs do not exist currently, but are categorized as artificial intelligences that are equally intelligent to humans in every aspect. AGIs would be able to complete the same intellectual tasks as humans with the same level of success. Much like humans, AGIs would be …show more content…

2015,“About Ray Kurzweil.” About Ray Kurzweil, Kurzweil Technologies, 2017,“Artificial Superintelligence: The Coming Revolution.” Harvard Science Review, Harvard, 15 May 2016,“Benefits & Risks of Artificial Intelligence.” Future of Life Institute, Future of Life Institute,, Joel. “What is the Technological Singularity?” The Next Web, The Next Web, 20 June 2011,, Manuela. “Field Service Management Blog.” The Difference Between Artificial Intelligence, General Intelligence, And Super Intelligence, Core Systems, 3 Apr. 2017,

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