Erikson’s Eight Stages of Development and Occupational Therapy

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Erik Erikson was one the founding figures in naming the human’s developmental stages. He stemmed his research off of his own life experiences. Today we use his framework for helping diagnose those with injuries with the best treatment possible. He was the person who coined the term “identity crisis” that we so often hear of today. In this paper I will first describe Erikson’s life and all his research, and then I will relate his work to occupational therapy.
Erik Erikson was born on June 15, 1902 in Frankfurt, Germany. According to his obituary that appeared in The New York Times, his parents were separated before he was born due to the fact that he was the result of an affair. He never met his birth father. His mother was young when she had him and raised him all by herself. She eventually married physician Dr. Theodor Homberger. For many years Erikson had no idea that Dr. Homberger was not his actual father. When the truth did come out, Erikson was left with confusion about who he really was as an individual. This is what led to his interest in how one’s identity is formed. This interest continued to grow throughout his school experience. He would often get teased at his temple school for not being like the others in terms of ancestry, and because he was tall, blonde, and blue-eyed. He was also rejected in grammar school due to his Jewish background. Those negative experiences motivated him even more to figure out how exactly one forms their identity and continued to influence his work the rest of his life (Cherry, 2014).
After some dabbling in art and traveling through Europe, a friend of Erikson’s suggested that he should go into psychoanalysis. He took that advice and ended up earning his certificate at Vienna P...

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