The Era of Prohibition

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Prohibition was a very interesting era that lasted from 1919 to 1933 (Ian Tyrell). It was a time where crime was at its highest. People where breaking the rules like never before. Drinking was a tradition Americans have been doing for many generations. Putting a ban on this substance seemed to many an injustice. They felt as if the government were taking their rights away. Prohibiting this drink may have caused things to go for worse. Alcohol has been socially acceptable for many years. It’s always used for ceremonies or celebrations. Without this substance a party would never be a party. Prohibition was not ever going to work. Many Americans kept drinking even if it was outlawed. They went out of their way to obtain this drink. If you tell a person not to do something they're going to do it. So if you told Americans not to drink, they eventually will. I think it’s just a human instinct to things that make you feel good. A lot of people feel as if alcohol helps them. It can ease stress and help you get rid of those negative thoughts. Prohibition was never going to work in the first place. The government was interfering in people's lives. It was supposed to be one of the most peaceful times in American history. Alcohol was banned so you would think not many Americans would be getting crazy. But things would get out of control because of our need for alcohol. Many Protestants and women organizations were against alcohol (Ian Tyrell). They felt as if this liquid was Satan’s drink. People would act out on their actions on this substance. Many workers were also getting drunk while working. The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union also campaigned against alcohol ( They thought that husbands were beating their wives because... ... middle of paper ... thing they shouldn’t have ever done. Things were turning out for the worse. People were dying and killing each other from alcohol. The Prohibition reminds me of how America is today with Marijuana. Trying to ban a substance is ineffective because it’s unenforceable. Many people will still find a way to do it no matter what. Just like back in the days people were willing to break the law to have a drink. So on May 12, 1933 the 21st amendment was passed to once again allow Americans to consume alcohol. Mississippi was one of the last states to repeal this law. On December 5, 1933 the Prohibition was officially over. Works Cited

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