The Importance Of Positive Social Change

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Walden makes implication that in order for social change to exist, there must be pragmatic efforts to cause the intended change, whether by taking action as an individual or as group. Therefore, in the effort to create environment and living conditions that produce a society of happy, healthy people, actions must support and reinforce environment health and enable to adopt and maintain healthy relation with their environment of r the sake of happiness and well-being of others and the sustainability of the environment. As a conservation psychologist, I endeavor to promote positive social change through encouraging a healthy and sustainable relationship between human and nature.
Typically, comprehending and promoting the linkage between humans …show more content…

Of course, an individual loves some natural entity like a tree, an animal or a lake. This implies that the human connection to nature is an integral part of human existence. When a person has strong connection to the environment, he/she will be able to champion for it preservation and will not be bound by structured public policies that propagate indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources (Clayton, and Myers, 2015; Roth and Sweatt, 2011). Indeed, social structure often determine how people interpret the natural environment, and thus, an individual’s ability to understand and recognize the interdependence of nature and social ties will drive him her/her to push for positive social policies and persuade institutions to conserve the environment. He/he recognizes that good interactions with the natural world is critical part of a society. Moreover, making conservation psychology part of an individual’s career life influence on environmental attitudes (Callahan et al, 2012). Ordinarily, some individuals may oppose environmental initiatives not because they not concern of the natural environment but because they do care about a certain group with which they are related to and the particular group has come about to object the initiative. Therefore, making social change part of the career ensures that an individual is environmentally conscious and plays a role in the workforce by supporting initiatives that encourage sustainability of the environment (Champagne and Mashoodh, 2009; TED Conferences, 2012). The person will be able to conduct research on what motivates individuals to change behavior and attitudes towards the environment and spread the message about social change for the sake of environmental sustainability. Thus, helping people rethink their positions in natural world as well as live more sustainable lives. Furthermore, people with positive attitude towards

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