Global Climate Change

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Controversial Sciences: Global Climate Change
Climate change has become a very sore subject for many scientists all around the world. There are some people that believe climate change and global warming are just a simple myths for gullible people, that humans have no affect at all on how our environment is changing. On the other hand, it is also told that 97% of papers taking a side on global climate change caused by humans agree that it is happening (Wayne). Many people read the evidence and can clearly see that humans are causing climate change not only to speed up but cause so many things to change in our environment as a result of it.
Climate change is the change in the climate patterns of the Earth causing the atmosphere to heat up that became known in the 20th century. Scientists have been studying the change of Earth’s climate for many years. One organization that shows research of this subject is the NOAA. The NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) found that the span from 2000 to 2010 was the hottest decade ever recorded in history for the entire globe (Chiras). And other studies show that the average temperature for global surface has increased about 0.5-1.0°F (Stanford). Another sure fire way of seeing how climate change is proven to be fact is that the polar ice caps are melting, obviously caused in sudden increase in temperatures. This is a big piece of evidence in this case. Ice doesn’t simply melt on command for no apparent reason, it must be caused by global warming and the change in climate patterns. Many people spend their careers finding evidence like this to prove to people all over the world that the climate change is affected by humans and that it can be helped.
Even though climate chang...

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... is by replanting trees and other plants. That’s going to make it a lot easier to get rid of some of that extra CO2 in the atmosphere. There are many nations and communities that have started to reforest the wildlife and many others need to take charge and do the same in order to truly make a difference (Chiras).
Climate change is an intense subject in the science community and humans are a big part of the problems we have. There are melting ice caps, greenhouse gases, and many other problems that we could have stopped early on. We could reforest our communities and cut back on fossil fuels to help make it better and try to decrease it. Even though there are some sceptics

Controversial Sciences: Global Climate Change

on the subject it is clear that humans are a big part of the problems. Over time, if people take the change and help, climate change can decrease.

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