The End Of World War I

818 Words2 Pages

What happened before, during, and at the end of World War I would change the world drastically, leaving such a significant impact on the world that still affects us today.
In 1914, in Serbia, Bosnia, heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated. The assassination of the Archduke left all of Europe outraged, except in Serbia, and ultimately caused the beginning of World War I. During the tense aftermath of the Archduke’s assassination, before the war officially began, the entire world stood at attention, waiting for the first moves to be made. Many Austrians had long favored an attack against Serbia, the opportunity seemed too perfect. However the Dual Monarchy, Austria-Hungary, could rarely make a decision easily. While the chief of the Austrian general staff, Conrad von Hotzendorf, pushed for an attack, Count Stefan Tisza, speaker on behalf of Hungary, resisted. The Austro-Hungarian foreign minister understood that support from Germany would be necessary in the probable event that Russia would go to Serbia’s aid. Germany readily promised her support to Austria and urged that the Austrians move quickly while others were still angry at Serbia. Although Austria and Germany agreed it would be best to act quickly the Austrians waited until almost a month after the archduke’s assassination when they finally delivered their deliberately unacceptable ultimatum. The Germans and Austrians were so shocked by the conciliatory reply from the Serbians that they almost decided to abstain from their plan to attack. However, on July 28, 1914, exactly one month since Archduke Ferdinand’s assassination, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia responded by ordering a mobilization. Germany declared war against Rus...

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... Germany had already been crippled through the war and was completely paralyzed by the unjust demands that France and Britain had seen fit to give her. Because of the numerous demands, both areas of land that were taken from the Germans but also the high monetary demands they had to meet in order to comply with the treaty.
The war also brought about new weapons such as poisonous gas, tanks, and machine guns were all outcomes of World War I. These new weapons and the experiences from the way World War I was fought would alter the way future wars and conflicts would be resolved.
In conclusion World War I was the start of a much longer feud that could have been lessened if punishments after the war had been more just and reasonable. World War I changed the way people lived due to the great devastations suffered from it. Devastations that could have been avoided if only

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