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Encephalitis is a condition caused by viruses which cause the brain to become inflamed. There are two types of encephalitis one is called primary because the viruses affect the brain itself. Secondary is the viruses travel from some other part of the body that has been affect to the brain. When the virus reaches the brain it begins to multiply causing inflammation. The brain’s white matter can be destroyed. This destruction causes cell death, hemorrhage and edema. The edema begins to compress the blood vessels this causes intracranial pressure (Mayo Clinic, 2011).

Some of the viruses that cause encephalitis are arboviruses, cytomegalovirus, poliovirus, herpes zoster, and herpes simplex type 1. West Nile virus has been a big issue in the United States. West Nile is a very serious illness and can cause death or permanent disabilities. It is transmitted by mosquitos. “About one in 150 people infected with WNV will develop severe illness. Approximately 80 percent of people (about 4 out of 5) who are infected with WNV will not show any symptoms at all.” (CDC, 2006) Not all viruses are transmitted by a six legged creature. People can get viruses from blood products, breast milk, organ transplants, and/or many other ways. Herpes simplex type 1 is another virus that can cause encephalitis. Yet, herpes simplex type 1 encephalitis is very rare it can happen. The usual sign of herpes simplex type 1 is cold sores. When a person gets herpes simplex type 1 encephalitis it can cause death. The mortality rates are high but with hospitalization and IV antiviral medications it can be treated. HSV type 2 (HSV-2) more commonly causes genital herpes. “HSV-1 is the most important cause of fatal sporadic encephalitis in the United State...

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...is having seizures the nursing diagnosis could be “Ineffective airway clearance r/t seizure activity” (Ladwig, 2011), manifested by patient’s inability to breath during seizure. Also if the patient is in a lot of pain the nursing diagnosis could be; “Impaired comfort related to altered health status” (Ladwig, 2011), manifested by pain and inflammation in neck and upper back. There again could be many different nursing diagnoses depending on the condition the patient is in.

Encephalitis could be a very serious condition with overwhelming complication or it could be a mild condition with flu like symptoms. Yet, if the conditions are severe, hospitalization and/or rehabilitation may be needed. In some cases long term care may be the only option. Encephalitis can be avoided with protection from mosquitos and vaccinations from other viruses that causes the disease.

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