Employees Have More Control

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Employees have more control

This proposal is to imagine that you have landed a job in a career to have improved your place of employment and to convince the place of employment to enact the changes we are recommending. The purpose of this proposal is to improve the place of employment by having employees take more control in their workplace including controlling over their schedules, environment and work habits.

The idea of this proposal is mainly beneficial to the employees and their outside work which is not part of their job. The problem of this proposal leading to making a change in convincing the place of employment can come in many different ways. There are three problems; I want to discuss which leads to employees not having control over their workplace. It includes the idea of job affecting their health, their morale and their ability to handle their workload.

The first problem of employees not having control over their workplace can lead to affecting their employee’s health. According to Robert Karasek; for example most people who worked for long hours did not have much time to spend taking care of their outside task which was their family and would usually suffer from stress. My mom is a good example due to the fact that she is a nurse .She doesn’t have enough time to stay at home and help the family and she works about 18 hours which is more than half of the day. She has about 6 hours remaining to stay in the house to relax and function for the next day. This mostly brings stress to her which is not really convenient.

The second problem is that it can affect your morale. For it affecting your morale, you will not be confident to work in that kind of environment. This will make you think mostly abo...

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...of the time constraints which includes the idea of not having time to your outside work but mainly to your job, discussion of the organization for which I worked for, the reason why the proposal would help to benefit the organization and the conclusion statement discussing generally what we talked about.

Works Cited

April Shetrone. “Ways to Improve Employee Satisfaction.” Inc.Com. 18 May 2011.Web.15 April 2014.

Coral Davenport. “Large Companies prepared to pay price on Carbon.” The New York Times. 5 December 2013. Web.15 April 2014.

Joe Carroll. “Exxon Lowers Drilling Budgets 13 percent to $37 billion.” Bloomberg View. 26 February 2014.Web.16 April 2014.

Karasek R.A. “Job demands job decision latitude and mental strain: Implications for job Redisgn.” Administrative Science Quarterly. Vol. 24. Page 285- 308. Web.16 April 2014.

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