Best Buy Employee Motivation

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Today organizations are seeking the best employees to compete in the cutthroat market environment. In order to achieve their goals, they must have something to offer to their employees to keep them motivated. Employee motivation can come from management strategies, employee incentives, health, school, adoption assistance, and the more the company can offer the better and more valuable the employee can be. With that being said Best Buy might just have what most employees are looking for. Best Buy is considered to be one of the world’s largest consumer electronics retailers, with that being said more that 125,000 people are employed by Best Buy. This is a company willing to go the extra mile to make their employees satisfied which betters the …show more content…

After that first week he realized that employees were not receiving a valuable discount in return on the products they were selling on a daily basis. Employee discounts are motivators in an employee’s performance. Employee discounts allow employees to purchase the products they are trying to sell and have a better understanding by being able to connect with the customers because they have one themselves. Best Buy as a company took on the challenge to create a culture that surrounds learning and the development for its employees. The company created an incentive program called “Path to Excellence” which helps aid the employees career paths but also receiving extrinsic rewards for their outstanding performance. To break it down further, employees earn virtual badges as they progress through different learning levels. Since the program has launched Best Buy has seen improvement in three key metrics:” The close rate improved 129 basis points; revenue per transaction increased $3.31; and services and connections sales increased 37 basis points” (Freifeld, Lorri 2013), overall making it a successful employee engagement program. Another key motivator to success in performance by employees is money. Pay sometimes is a huge motivator when it comes to the …show more content…

Right now they are able to be competitive and securely offer an amount that interests candidates because it is sufficiently over the minimum wage. Though with propositions out there to raise that wage Best Buy may not have that competitive advantage in the long run. Yet in order for these incentives to be worth it for Best Buy they must be able to track that the employees are performing to their best abilities. Every manager is taught how to use a data driven training program called Individual Sales Tracker (IST). IST allows a manager to see every employee’s sales through each metric Best Buy tracks. This gives managers a number to hold employees accountable by to improve what they are doing and give a better experience to the customer. Although feedback is always important, especially when it allows employees and customers to have a voice and be heard. A way that Best Buy gathers information relative to the front line employees who are working with its customers on a daily basis is a survey called a net promoter score (NPS). This is another practice adopted by Hubert Joly to measure employee performance and customer satisfaction. When the customers are happy it insinuates that the employees are doing their job who in turn are happy. The NPS is a great

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